
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello Everyone!

First off I would like to say welcome to my blog! I am so glad you found it and are supporting me in this way. Whether I know you or not this means a lot to me. I have never done a blog before so stick with me as I figure this whole thing out. 

I am beyond excited to be doing The World Race Gap Year program starting in September 2022, words cannot even describe it. Ever since my Freshman year of high school I have wanted to take a gap year and live internationally but had never really thought about doing it through an organization like The World Race. But God knew what he was doing and placed some amazing people in my life who helped me find WR (World Race). During the last week of this past summer, at a summer camp I have been going to for years, I was sitting by one of the girls on staff and noticed a tattoo on her ankle of a map and I decided to ask about it. We then talked for hours about her own experience with WR and how much it impacted her life and a spark was ignited in me to find out more. I soon also realized that another girl that was on the summer camp staff a few years back, who I grew really close with, was just about to leave for the WR as well. I had never heard about this organization before but in a few days found out I knew 2 people who had/were doing it. So when I got home from camp I spent hours and hours going through the WR website, reading people’s blogs and watching videos all about it. I then prayed constantly about it, asking God if this is where he wants me to be. If this is where he is going to use me to spread his kingdom, and I can’t fully put it into words but I knew that it was where he wanted me. I felt this sense of peace about it that I rarely do when making any decisions at all. So I applied, got in, and couldn’t be more excited to see how God is going to work through me and use me as a vessel to serve his people. I cannot wait for the friendships, memories, learning and growth this year will bring!

Here is a little bit about me as a person. My name is Lauren Kelly Lafferty and I was born and raised in Spokane Washington. I am in the middle of three kids, an older sister and younger brother, and have 2 amazing parents. I am a senior in high school this year but am doing running start (college classes that count for high school credits as well), and that is all online so I spend a lot of my time babysitting, crafting, sewing, playing tennis, and volunteering as a middle school leader at my youth group. 

Thank you so much for supporting me through this and stay tuned for more posts/fundraising information!!

May God bless you all!

Lauren Lafferty